SEO Builds Trust & Credibility
Did you know that there are 3.5 billion searches performed every day on Google? That means that no matter your line of work, people are searching for your business online.

Our SEO Strategy

At present, SEO goes hand-in-hand with engaging and value-adding content on your website. With a smart distribution of keywords and a solid understanding of search engine algorithms, our SEO experts will optimise your website to put you at the top of relevant searches.

20x More Powerfull

SEO has ~20x more traffic opportunity than PPC on both mobile and desktop. SEO is also one of the only online marketing channels that, when set up correctly, can continue to pay dividends over time.

Search Engine Optimization

Users Trust Search Engine Results

Search engine optimization (SEO) marketing is a significant driver of business and market share expansion these days more than it has ever been in the past. SEO is used to increase the likelihood that people who are interested in your website content find it when they type a query into a search engine (i.e. Google, Yahoo, Bing).

When you type a query into a search engine, it analyzes all web pages and returns a list of sites that address your question. For companies good SEO includes (although not limited to) evaluating the types of content you have on your website, checking your website structure for duplicate content, tags and categories that hurt your rankings, good meta data for each different page and a minimal amount of internal linking, even your contact information and of course being mobile friendly. With majority of people searching through their smartphones, having a website that is 100% mobile optimized is a must.

Search engines have criteria, also known as an algorithm, that is used to select which pages appear in the results. Our job as SEO experts is to optimize your site so its relevance is recognized by search engine algorithms and it’s ranked higher. There are several factors that go into optimizing a website including links, keywords, content, site functionality, site design, and more.

Blupord SEO Approach

SEO is made up of multiple different elements, and knowing what they are and how they work is key to understanding why SEO is so important. In short, SEO is significant because it makes your website more visible, and that means more traffic and more opportunities to convert prospects into customers.


Technical Audit

We are well known within the industry for our technical capabilities due to our industry-leading software.


We analyse your website’s structure, internal architecture & other key elements that are weighted.


Off-page SEO involves external optimization practices that happen away from your site rather than on it.

Local Optimization

Local SEO is becoming increasingly important as more and more people use mobile devices for search.

Keyword Optimization

Keywords must be well-researched, carefully chosen, and judiciously used in your content in order to be effective.

Content Optimization

Content is a vital part of SEO because it’s the vehicle you use to reach and engage audiences.

Request Free Consultation

When our clients thrive – We thrive also! Adapting our bespoke digital, technology & marketing strategies and offering the best solutions that are at the forefront of every industry, is our ultimate goal.